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Fighting pollution: Go for big sharks, not soft targets

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By Sidharth Mishra

The Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM) has come out with a flurry of advisories, recommendations and directions to curb air pollution in Delhi-NCR. These recommendations have created quite a turmoil in the city and its neighbouring townships largely on the account of the directives which would affect the common citizens.

First and foremost, the clamp on the diesel vehicles. The decision to deal the private cars at par with the commercial vehicles comes as a rude shock. It has been decided as part of the new Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) to ban diesel vehicles that don’t confirm to BS-VI when Air Quality Index (AQI) is in the “severe-plus” category.

The main objection of the private vehicle owners is that out of the 25 lakh vehicles registered in the national Capital in the past five years, diesel vehicles, which includes the hybrid vehicles, constitute less than five percent. There is also no specific study to indicate specific ‘high’ contribution of diesel vehicles in the pollution caused by automobiles in the city.

The green activists point towards the need to shed the use of private vehicles in the favour of public transport. However, they fail to take into account how deficient is the public transport system in Delhi and its neighbourhood.

In the case of Delhi, the fleet of Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) has receded to 3900 buses (it could be even less). The government has been encouraging induction of buses by private operators under the cluster system, however, this too has been slow. There are about 3300 buses being run by the private operators. The two together bring the figures to 7200, whereas the expected bus fleet strength in the national Capital should be around 12000 buses.

Another factor which has led people to opt for private vehicles wherever possible is lack of hygiene in the public transport. Post-Covid, awareness about hygiene in the public places are increased manifold. People also want to avoid rush-hour lest they be packed like sardines in the metro coaches and the buses.

It’s not just the question of making public transport pliable. Today its more about making the use of public transport more palatable. Under the circumstances it would be unkind to take away a ‘safe’ transport mode like the private vehicle and force commuters onto hygienically vulnerable public transport.  

Another concern is that there is no specific notification by the government on under what category are the multi-storied apartments spread across Delhi-NCR are to be treated. While logically they should come under domestic category but in the absence of a clear guide line an overzealous government official, in order to get a good report from the apex court, may end treating these condominiums as commercial establishments. 

The main issues here are of back-up power and water supplies. Many housing societies are grappling with the question of handling their diesel-run power generators which still have some years to go. Since these societies are never surfeit with funds, raising monies to meet ever changing government norms could be very taxing. In case they are unable to do so, it could jeopardize the lives of the residents as power cuts are a norm even in these high-end condos.

Same is true on the issue of water supply. In the absence of sufficient government supply most of the housing societies resort to ground water extractions. The investment into drilling the bore well and operating costs are a big drain on the meagre funds of the societies, which they are forced to incur in the absence of government supplies. Now the threat to face penalty for it.

Fighting pollution is a good idea but it should not end up as the persecution of soft targets instead of taking on the big sharks.  

(First published in The Morning Standard)  



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