Portrait of a reporter as a middleman
Capital Budget
An accountant's 'chug' to Railways
Railways minister Suresh Prabhu enjoys formidable reputation as a chartered accountant. The annual financial statement of the Indian Railways presented by him on 26 February 2015can be best summarised as a chartered accountant’s budget.Prabhu has proposed to reduce expenditure, maximise revenues to save 11.5 paise per rupee it earns in the coming year. This means that he proposes to bring the operating ratio down to 88.5% from the present 91.8%, which is quite a daunting task.
Portrait of a reporter as a dalal
Delhi statehood undesirable
Why on Shivratri Modi went for Church function
Be a sutradhar, not an adhinayak
Migrants changed Delhi, delivered it to Kejriwal